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Route map

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Service U1NService U1NService U1NService U1NService U1N
Civic Centre [AO] 01:05 01:50 02:35 03:20 04:05
Giddy Bridge 01:08 01:53 02:38 03:23 04:08
Royal South Hants Hospital 01:10 01:55 02:40 03:25 04:10
Portswood Broadway [PH] 01:16 02:01 02:46 03:31 04:16
Highfield Interchange [B] 01:21 02:06 02:51 03:36 04:21
Glen Eyre Halls, Chamberlain 01:24 02:09 02:54 03:39 04:24
Wessex Lane Halls 01:30 02:15 03:00 03:45 04:30

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